Unfortunately, we could not verify your ownership of chococips_lisa@hotmail.com using the information you provided. Your account recovery request with issue number 23246731 has been closed.
The Windows Live account chococips_lisa@hotmail.com has been blocked due to questionable activity. This will prevent any further use of the account until the account owner successfully passes the Windows Live account recovery process.
In keeping with Microsoft's commitment to protecting online privacy, Windows Live takes account security seriously. Passing the account recovery process can be difficult. Please reconsider your originally submitted information, as well as provide any additional information when submitting a new account recovery request.
Here are some suggestions to assist you in submitting a new request:
Answer questions using the information you used when you created the account or last updated it.
Submit the recovery request from a computer you frequently use for Windows Live services.
Answer as many questions as you can and be as precise as possible.
For questions with multiple answers, such as email subjects and contacts, provide as many answers as you can.
If you have difficulty remembering email subjects or contacts, try reaching out to family, friends, or business contacts to verify.
Ready? Click here to submit a new Windows Live account recovery request.
Please do not reply to this message. Replies to this message are routed to an unmonitored mailbox.
Thank you,
Windows Live
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
yang artinya.......
Account Windows Live chococips_lisa@hotmail.com telah diblokir karenaaktivitas dipertanyakan. Ini akan mencegah penggunaan lebih lanjut dari accountsampai pemilik account berhasil melewati Windows Live proses pemulihan akun.
Sesuai dengan komitmen Microsoft untuk melindungi privasi online, Windows Live membutuhkan keamanan account serius. Melewati proses pemulihan account bisa sulit. Silahkan kembali informasi Anda awalnya disampaikan, serta memberikan informasi tambahan saat mengajukan permohonan pemulihan akunbaru.
Berikut adalah beberapa saran untuk membantu Anda dalam mengajukanpermintaan baru:
Jawab pertanyaan dengan menggunakan informasi yang Anda digunakan ketika Anda membuat account atau terakhir diperbarui.
Mengajukan permintaan pemulihan dari komputer Anda sering digunakan untuklayanan Windows Live.
Jawab pertanyaan sebanyak yang Anda bisa dan setepat mungkin.
Untuk pertanyaan dengan jawaban ganda, seperti subyek email dan kontak,memberikan sebanyak mungkin jawaban yang Anda bisa.
Jika Anda memiliki kesulitan mengingat subjek email atau kontak, mencobamenjangkau kontak keluarga, teman, atau bisnis untuk memverifikasi.
Siap? Klik di sini untuk mengajukan permintaan pemulihan account Windows Live baru.
Harap jangan membalas pesan ini. Balasan untuk pesan ini diarahkan ke kotak surat dimonitor.
Terima kasih,
Windows Live
Microsoft Corporation
Satu Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
Amerika Serikat
Ga tau lagi deh. Galau banget. Sedih. Sekian, Wasalam
Ga tau lagi deh. Galau banget. Sedih. Sekian, Wasalam
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